Frequently Asked Questions


How do I become a Member of Alliance University Library?

All the alliance University Faculty, Staff and Students are eligible for library membership.  Library Membership Form is available online through ERP portal.

Step:1 Go to ERP Portal  

Step:2 Login in with the credentials allotted. 

Step 3: Click the “Library” option from the left corner of the page. Select “Library membership Application” from the drop-down options displayed.




Step 4: Enter the "Place" name and tick the check box for accepting library policy and procedures and submit the form



Please Note Acceptance of the Library Membership application will be notified through the institutional mail ID. 



How to search books through OPAC? 

Library Catalogue (OPAC) is the library's search tool used to locate books, e-books and print journals and magazines.

Following are the steps to search and locate printed books in the library

Step 1: Open any web browser and type the following URL in the address bar and you will land on the page displayed below.  


Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generated 


Step 2: Search the catalogue using keywords relevant to your desired item (Author, Title, Subject etc) from the left drop down box. If you have selected the “Title” option, search the book with its title in the search bar.

For E.g.: Select the option "Title” and search the book titled “Financial Management”.  

Step 3: Click on your desired item in the search results to see its specific information such as call number, location, and status. The call number is the “address” of the item on the shelf.

It will look something like the following: 
658.15 (assigned to the book for “Financial Management”)  

 A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated with medium confidence 

 Books in the library are arranged in classified order System. After locating an item in the OPAC, the screen will provide the call number for the item. The call number is the “address” of the item on the shelf

Books Arrangement Plan 

Please Note: If the location of the book that you are looking for is not in your immediate library, kindly seek the help of library staffs. 



How to get book Issued?


After finding the required books from the shelf, the following steps must be followed to get a book issued: - 

Step 1: Take all the books you wish to check out to the RFID Self Checkout Kiosk. 

Step 2: Select the "Issue" menu on the kiosk. Scan your ID card on the RFID reader.

Step 3:  Place all the books on the RFID Self Checkout Panel.   

Step 4: Check the book details displayed on the screen. Click "Confirm" to proceed

Step 5: Click on "Print" to receive the issue slip.

Step 6: Remove the Book Card from the backside of each book. Fill in the required details on the Book Card. 

Step 7: Hand over the filled Book Card to the library staff.

Step 8: Check your registered email for the receipt of the checkout, including the due date

Please Note: University e-mail must be checked regularly, as you will receive overdue reminder mails from the library, and the library will not be responsible for any kind of negligence.




How to return a book?

 Following steps must be followed to return the issued book :

Step 1: Bring the books you want to return to the circulation desk and hand them over to the library staff.  

Step 2: Once the staff has processed your book return, confirm it by checking your name on the computer screen 

Step 3: The book return slip will be emailed to your institutional email ID  




How to renew a book/s online?


Step 1: Open any web browser and type the following URL in the address bar 

Step 2: Login with your credentials, Login ID will be your Institutional mail ID and password will be the Library ID number. 

Step 3: Check the books that are to be issued in your account and click the checkboxes against the books which is below the renew heading.