VIDWAN is the premier database of profiles of scientists / researchers and other faculty members working at leading academic institutions and other R & D organisation involved in teaching and research in India. It provides important information about expert's background, contact address, experience, scholarly publications, skills and accomplishments, researcher identity, etc. The database developed and maintained by Information and Library Network Centre (INFLIBNET) with financial support from the National Mission on Education through ICT (NME-ICT). The database would be instrumental in selection of panels of experts for various committees, taskforce, established by the Ministries / Govt. establishments for monitoring and evaluation purposes.
Who Can Join in the VIDWAN: Expert Database?
· Expert Having Ph.D degree in the respective discipline with 15 years of Experience in academic and research;
· Associate Professor / Professor / Senior Scientist or equivalent position in teaching and research;
· National and International Awardees and Citation laureates.
Why to Join in the VIDWAN Database?
· Showcase your research activity to the research community, funding agencies, policy makers, etc;
· Enrich your profile with automatic publication update and also integrate with ORCID ID, Researcher ID, Google Scholar ID and Scopus ID, etc;
· Generate co-author network, map of science network, and collaboration and network among researcher;
· Improve faculty and researcher collaboration across organisations in India and abroad.
If you are already registered with VIDWAN database, I kindly request you to update your academic identity (ORCID ID, Researcher ID, Google Scholar ID, Scopus ID) and other information.
Alliance University IRNIS Instance